Image Color Picker

Pick a color from your image

Use Image Color Picker now. You can use all its features directly for free, without installing any browser extension. This tool picks colors from your image and identifies them and gives you the correct color code. You can also know the HEX and RGB color code as it gives the exact color code from your image. It will be very useful for you.

Use the color picker to pick a color from your uploaded image. Click on any color to copy it to your clipboard.

How to Use the Image Color Picker Tool

Our Image Color Picker tool is designed for ease of use and to meet your requirements.

  • Choose Your Image: Click on the "Choose File" button to select the image from which you want to pick a color.
  • Upload the Image: After selecting your image, click the "Upload" button. A preview of your image will appear on your screen, along with some automatically generated colors.
  • Select a Color: If the default colors don’t meet your needs, hover your mouse over the image to select your favorite color. Click on the area of the image where the desired color appears, and it will be copied to your clipboard.
  • Copy Color Codes: Below the image, you will find two boxes displaying the RGB and HEX color codes. As you hover over different areas of the image, these codes will update to reflect the selected color. You can easily copy these codes from the box or click on the image.
  • Pick a Color from Another Image: If you want to select a color from a different image, simply repeat the process by uploading a new image.

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